eyeshadow blogja

6 Super-weird Beauty Tricks That Work Wonders

When you have been backstage at enough red carpet affairs and fashion shows, nothing surprises any longer. Putting cellulite cream on the face? But naturally! Getting into a bubble bath after making up your face for a party? Of course! Using Pepto-Bismol as a face mask? D-uh! Here are some of the staple beauty shortcuts… Tovább »

Are Herbs Weeds or Treasures?

Many herbs have been introduced into Australia and because they are not native plants, they have often few competitors for resources such as water, soil nutrients and light and have few predators. Subsequently, these plants can grow and spread unchecked PolyU YouTube, endangering native vegetation and even various animal species such as birds and insects…. Tovább »

Knowing Your Skin Type

People can spend years searching for their perfect skin care solution. Finding the right products can be a constant struggle. Many offer quick fixes or cures for skin conditions. Most experts agree that a skin care solution regimen includes several basic steps. Cleaning your skin is an important first step to healthy skin Dream beauty… Tovább »
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